Error Message | Description/Action |
CAN'T OPEN | An open() or fopen() failed. |
CAN'T WRITE | A write(), fwrite(), fprint(), or other call failed. |
CAN'T READ | A read(), fgets(), or other call failed. |
CAN'T CREATE | A create() call failed. |
CAN'T ALLOCATE | A dynamic allocation failed. |
CAN'T LOCK | An attempt to make an LCK (lock) file failed. In some cases, this is a fatal error. |
CAN'T STAT | A stat() call failed. |
CAN'T CHMOD | A chmod() call failed. |
CAN'T LINK | A link() call failed. |
CAN'T CHDIR | A chdir() call failed. |
CAN'T UNLINK | An unlink() call failed. |
WRONG ROLE | This is an internal logic problem. |
CAN'T MOVE TO CORRUPT DIR | An attempt to move some bad C. or X. files to the /var/spool/uucp/.Corrupt directory failed. The directory is probably missing or has wrong modes or owner. |
CAN'T CLOSE | A close() or fclose() call failed. |
FILE EXISTS | The creation of a C. or D. file was attempted, but the file already exists. This situation occurs when there is a problem with the sequence-file access. This usually indicates a software error. |
NO UUCP SERVER | A TCP/IP call was attempted, but there is no server for UUCP. |
BAD UID | The uid cannot be found in the /etc/passwd file. The filesystem is in trouble, or the /etc/passwd file is inconsistent. |
BAD LOGIN_UID | The uid cannot be found in the /etc/passwd file. The filesystem is in trouble, or the /etc/passwd file is inconsistent. |
ULIMIT TOO SMALL | The ulimit for the current user process is too small. File transfers may fail, so transfer will not be attempted. |
BAD LINE | There is a bad line in the Devices file; there are not enough arguments on one or more lines. |
FSTAT FAILED IN EWRDATA | There is something wrong with the Ethernet media. |
SYSLST OVERFLOW | An internal table in gename.c overflowed. A big or strange request was attempted. |
TOO MANY SAVED C FILES | An internal table in gename.c overflowed. A big or strange request was attempted. |
RETURN FROM FIXLINE IOCTL | An ioctl, which should never fail, failed. There is likely a system driver problem. |
PERMISSIONS file: BAD OPTION | There is a bad line or option in the Permissions file. Fix it immediately. |
BAD SPEED | A bad line-speed appears in the Devices or Systems file (Class field). |
PKCGET READ | The remote station probably hung up. No action is required. |
PKXSTART | The remote station aborted in a nonrecoverable way. This message can generally be ignored. |
SYSTAT OPENFAIL | There is a problem with the modes of /var/spool/uucp/.Status, or there is a file with bad modes in the directory. |
TOO MANY LOCKS | There is an internal problem. |
XMV ERROR | There is a problem with some file or directory. The problem is likely caused by the spool directory, since the modes of the destinations should have been checked before this process was attempted. |
CAN'T FORK | An attempt to fork and execute failed. The current job should not be lost, but will be attempted later (uuxqt). No action need be taken. |